The Vision Workshop
This is my signature workshop! Participants are introduced to powerful concepts fundamental to the process of creating and living a life they love.....a DreamBuilder Process.
They are guided in a process to design a dream, and are shown simple but highly effective steps to begin to move their dream into the reality of their life. During the workshop experience, participants will:
Learn that living life "by design" is both an art and a science;
Touch a part of themselves that is already more than the life they are living;
Learn how to befriend fear rather than be run by it.
This workshop can be adapted to a variety of formats (virtual and face to face) and time frames (90-minute, 60-minute, 30-minute, half-day).
These are a few of the dynamic coaching programs I currently offer. You have the option to be coached in either of them as an individual, a couple or in a group.
The dreambuilder personal coaching program:
You will be instructed in and coached in the art and the science of bringing the dreams of your heart into the results of your life. You will be supported in getting clear about what you would truly love in each of the four quadrants of life where we create results: health/wellness, relationships, career/ creative expression, and time and money freedom. You will deepen your belief in deserving "the goodies" in life. You will be elegantly led through the invisible laws of success to create longed-for results in your own life.
The Dreambuilder Program includes weekly live calls and laser coaching (led by me), a complete workbook to deepen your skills, 16 teaching audio lessons and three beautiful meditations.
12- weeks (online, via conference call or in person)
lifemastery program: six months to a transformed life
The Life Mastery Program is a deep dive into achieving success in all areas of your life. The content is based on more than 40 years of research into the art and science of personal success. You will have access to the most powerful and innovative process available today for quickly transforming your dreams into reality! Each month will focus on a theme of topic: Intention, Health, Abundance, Manifestation, Love, Transformation.
In Life Mastery you will crystalize your goals into a powerful vision, install your vision at the deepest levels of your mind and heart, and harmonize your vision with the natural laws of the Universe. You will immediately see the benefits of the Life Mastery program take shape in your life!
The Life Mastery program provides you with all of the skills you need to create a life you truly love, including live weekly calls and laser coaching(led by me) a complete workbook to deepen your study, and audio meditations on CD.